The Government Of Jakarta Province Government And The Government Of Beijing China In The Sister City Scheme

Kerjasama Pemerintah Provinsi Dki Jakarta Dengan Pemerintah Kota Beijing China Dalam Skema Sister City

  • Henike Primawanti Department of International Relation, Al-Ghifari University
  • Windy Dermawan Department of International Relation, Padjadjaran University
  • Widiya Ardiyanti Department of International Relation, Padjadjaran University
Keywords: Regional Development, Regional Government, Transgovernmental, Sister City`


This study aims to analyze the opportunities and challenges of foreign relations through transgovernmental cooperation in the sister city scheme, especially between the DKI Jakarta provincial government and the Beijing City Government of China. To achieve this goal, the researcher raised the case of cooperation in the field of education among the two government organizations. The research method used in this study is a qualitative method by collecting data through interviewing a number of relevant informants and documentation study techniques. The approach used in this research is transgovernmental cooperation within the framework of sister city. This study found that foreign cooperation by local governments became a great opportunity in regional development efforts. Through the sister city scheme, the provincial government of DKI Jakarta and the city of Beijing get great benefits for regional development and good bilateral relations between the two actors, even bringing benefits to bilateral relations between Indonesia and the People's Republic of China after the reformation era. Sister City is an instrument for the DKI Jakarta government to achieve its regional interests which is certainly in line with national interests.


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How to Cite
Primawanti, H., Dermawan, W., & Ardiyanti, W. (2019). The Government Of Jakarta Province Government And The Government Of Beijing China In The Sister City Scheme. Journal of Political Issues, 1(1), 10-22.