Author Guideline

Here are the guidelines for writing the manuscripts:

  1. The articles must be original and have never been published or are being submitted to another journal. The articles should be about social sciences, politics, and humanities. The manuscripts should be 3,000-6,000 words or 8-15 pages long, single space using A-4 paper size.
  2. The name of the author should be written without academic titles and placed under the title of the article, followed by the name of the institution and mailing address (email or phone number). If the manuscript is written by a team, all members of the team must be written. However, the editor only deals with the main author or whose name is in the first place.
  3. The articles should be written in Bahasa Indonesia or English correctly in the form of an essay. The title of the article should be capitalized and placed in the center. The subtitles should be aligned to the left without numbering.
  4. The articles should be written in the following systematic order: title, author’s name, address of institution and correspondence (e-mail address), abstract (100-120 words: containing objectives, methods, research results, and main conclusions); keywords; introduction (containing research problems, current scientific situation, may refer to the literature on which research is based); method; results and discussion (reinforced by relevant research theories or findings); conclusion; credits/thanks; bibliography.
  5. Referral sources should be up-to-date (the last ten years). Primary referral sources are preferable (research articles in scientific journals/magazines or research reports).
  6. The information of citations/references are written in brackets. Mention the pages of direct quotations, for example: ... (Michael, 2000:48).
  7. The bibliography is listed according to APA style.
  8. Authors are required to submit a BibTeX file downloaded from the bibliography management application (if you use mendeley, you can see how to download it here).